
Top Direct Sales Companies

Being a stay at home mom doesn’t mean that you have to not earn money. With direct sales, you can start earning your own income. With a direct sales company, it often involves buying products from a company and selling them to people. You can find direct sales companies in just about any industry. And this list has the top direct sales companies for stay at home moms.

To succeed in direct sales you will need to work hard and have a solid plan but it can easily start bringing in the dough.

Mary Kay

Mary Kay is probably a name you have heard before. They have been in the direct sales business for years. Starting with Mary Kay will run you around $120. One of the benefits of Mary Kay is that the name is already out there so people have trust for the product. You also don’t have to do much advertising because Mary Kay does a lot of that for you. What Mary Kay sellers need to focus on is building up their personal sales network.

The focus of Mary Kay is skincare products and makeup. There are a lot of other direct sales companies in this category but Mary Kay has an established name.

Jordan Essentials

Environmentally friendly home items and body care products is a big niche right now. Jordan Essentials has all of these to offer. A starter kit costs $99 and you will have another $10 fee monthly for your personal Jordan Essentials website. One order a year will keep you an active seller.

Something to keep in mind is that Jordan Essentials is a Christian company. You may find that a bit off-putting but they don’t push their beliefs too hard.

Pure Romance

Adult toys are a big direct sales business. Many people don’t like going to a store to buy toys and as such Pure Romance is a great option for a direct sales business. The company offers a lot of different toys, apparel, and more. Not only can you keep stock on hand but you will get a link to the site so people can buy through their web browser too.

Since Pure Romance was founded in 1993 it has managed to sell a lot of products. Starting with Pure Romance is a minimum of a $219 investment.

Thirty-One Gifts

The organization is a need for any busy mom. No matter what needs to be ordered, Thirty-One Gifts has something to offer. Diaper bags, car organizers, lunch boxes, and more are all available from the company. As their name implies you can also find gifts for every occasion. To start it costs around $99 but the company is often running discounts on starting up.

Gifts are something that people always need so while the products might not be consumable, if you build up a good customer base you will have people returning to buy all of their gifts.

Damsel In Defense

Keeping yourself safe is important and with the news, it shouldn’t be hard to sell defense products to mothers, kids, and even fathers. Damsel in Defense is a company that sells all kinds of defense products from pepper spray to stun guns. Their disguised stun guns are pretty popular.

Starting in Damsel in Defense will run you around $99 and you get products for yourself to use for your own defense and demonstration. The only time you may have quotas is if you have sellers signing up under you.

Direct sales, like any other business, you need to be dedicated to making it work. Pick out one of these companies and come up with a plan. Once you have a plan in place, it is time to start selling. Remember that social media can be one of your best friends when you are using direct sales. I hope this list of direct sales companies for stay at home moms like you helped in getting some ideas on how to make extra cash online.

Make sure to check out some of my other finance posts for other ways to make passive income.