Household & Real Estate

How to Replace Old Shingles

Regarding home maintenance, your roof should be at the top of the list. As an integral part of your house, your roof protects you and your family against the elements, keeping you and your home safe in any weather.

But, as your shingles age, they don’t work as they once did — and thus put your home at greater risk of damage.

Need to know the best approach for replacing old shingles? You’ve come to the right place. Here’s all you need to know.

Gather Supplies and Prepare the Work Area

Before beginning the project, make sure you have the needed supplies. It includes a reliable ladder, nails, shingles, roofing cement, putty knife, hammer, and pry bar to complete the job.

It is also essential to clear and clean the work area before starting. Remove any debris from the roof and ensure the site is safe and that there are no loose, screws, or nails. On that note, roofing jobs can create up to 3 tons of waste, so you must ensure that you have hired a dumpster that will be big enough to hold all of the waste you will be generating. Finally, cover vulnerable plants or shrubbery around the shingle replacement area as a precaution.

Remove the Existing Shingles

Removing the existing shingles from a damaged roof or house is necessary in order to have a proper replacement. Removing old shingles to improve the roof’s structural integrity and enhance the home’s look is vital.

Before removing the existing shingles, it is vital to check the condition of the underlying sheathing and roof deck to detect any damage that may have occurred over time. The removal process can begin with crowbars and hammers to remove the shingles. After removal, replacing some of the decking or sheathing may be necessary.

Make Necessary Roof Deck Repairs

It is an essential step in the shingle replacement process. It assures that the roof deck is ready to withstand the weight of the new and heavier shingles.

Repairing the roof deck involves inspecting all roof areas for any damage and then taking appropriate measures to correct any substructure that needs repair. This substructure may include adding new nails, replacing old rotten wood, and even adding plywood. 

Install and Secure New Shingles

Start installing the shingles at the bottom edge of the roof, left to right, overlapping and staggering the rows. Secure the shingles into place using nails – the number of pins will vary depending on many factors, like the type and size of the roof.

Use building cement in any area with shingles meeting a wall or other interruption, and use a sealer to cover any nail heads. Finally, cut any excess shingles from the roof’s edge to create a neat finish. 

If you are not able to do the replacement yourself, it’s best if you can get professional services. Experts in roof installation and repair can ensure the best quality in the results.

Consider This Guide to Replacing Old Shingles

Replacing old shingles not only refreshes the look of your home but can also protect it from the elements. Check your homeowner’s insurance policy to see if it covers a roof replacement before starting the job.

With the right tools and a weekend of hard work, any homeowner can give their home a new look. Did you find this article helpful? If so, please keep reading for more excellent content.