Top 3 Relaxation Practices

It can be difficult to truly relax: even as we walk around town and listen to the birds sing, our shoulders may be raised and our fists clenched. Many of us don’t even notice how much tension is stored in the body. Here are the best practices for relaxation.

Not a Bed and TV Shows Alone

Relaxation isn’t just about hours spent in bed watching Netflix or playing at PlayAmo, as many people used to think. Our bodies release tension in many different ways: running, swimming, cycling, singing, knitting, and meditation can all help us feel lighter. The best option for our bodies, which are evolutionarily honed for different tasks, would be to alternate between a variety of ways to relax. One effective method can be bodily practices-physical activity designed to reconnect the mind and body.

Three Relaxation Practices


Recall the situation that caused your negative emotions: visualize it clearly and in detail, feel the changes occurring in your body. 

Concentrating on the sensations, clench your fists and, setting yourself an impulse, shake as hard as you can. Then close your mouth with your hands and shout at the top of your voice: you can yell and roar. It’s better to repeat several times. 

Our body remembers everything, the mental experience is directly connected with the corporeality, and therefore it’s especially important to discharge the moral tension through physical actions.  It only takes a couple of minutes to practice, and relief and relaxation are guaranteed.   

Loewen Arch

A classic and powerful practice that many people love. The technique focuses on relaxation and grounding. Remember that violence is unacceptable in therapy – if you find it unbearably difficult to maintain the position, you shouldn’t force yourself. 

Place your feet shoulder width apart, bend your knees slightly, with your feet slightly pointed inward. Then you need to twist your pelvis – imagine a dog hiding its tail. Put your hands with fists or palms against your lower back and bend backwards, trying to keep your balance. Pay attention to your neck muscles – they are not tense, your eyes are directed upwards. Our main task is to start sounding, singing and pronouncing the vowels. When you will feel the vibration in your body and voice, your body will completely relax and release tension. At this point, you can call it a day. 


An easy practice that requires no physical training, but helps you let go of heavy thoughts and relax the facial and head muscles that are tight in one way or another for almost everyone. 

Gather some of your hair into a ponytail and pull upward, pulling your scalp taut. Repeat on different parts of your scalp, and then gather all of your hair in a ponytail and pull. In the process, you can feel a meditative state. 

In moments of rapid change and acute stress, it’s important to find inner support, to be sure that you can deal with every challenge that life throws at you on a daily basis. Body practices can help you find this feeling: in a relaxed, light body, you have strength and confidence.