An STI Check-up & Screening Isn’t Just For You – It’s For Everyone.

It is commonly accepted that sexually transmitted diseases are a part of life for the vast majority of us. Just because they are out there, however, it doesn’t mean that we have to catch them and we should always take the necessary steps to protect ourselves and to protect our partners at all times. Sexually transmitted diseases are a lot more common in Australia than many people think and many do not show up any symptoms at all. One such disease is Chlamydia and this is something that you can have your whole life and never know until it starts to affect you in other ways.

This is why regular screening at your localSTI clinic in Adelaide is something that should be at the top of the list of your things to do this year. It is not just important to do this for yourself because if you pass something onto someone else then it is affecting them as well. Just because your doctor doesn’t suggest that you screen for sexually transmitted diseases, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t get yourself checked out anyway. If you are sexually active with many different partners then you really should be taking the time to get regular checks. The following are just some of the reasons why we all need to get checked for STIs.

  • For essential peace of mind – It’s important to know what’s going on inside your body and especially so if you think that you have met that special someone and you want to commit yourself money to them. It would be irresponsible of you to not have yourself checked so that you don’t pass anything on to your new partner. You’re doing an incredibly responsible thing not only for you but for them as well and this provides you with the essential peace of mind that we all need to have every single day and you can have a healthy sex life.
  • It is important to be safe – If you find yourself in a new relationship and it is your intention to have unprotected sex then you really should get yourself checked out for sexually transmitted diseases beforehand. It’s never too late to be more responsible and this might be the person that you’re going to marry someday and so it is incredibly important that you do this.
  • To get the right treatment – As was briefly mentioned before, you could have Chlamydia and you’re not aware of it because generally, it doesn’t show any symptoms at all. If you are not screened for this disease then it could go on to damage your chances of having children someday and so it’s better to get diagnosed so that you can receive the right treatment immediately.

There are so many opportunities out there to meet many different people all the time and we never know about their past histories. It would be irresponsible for you as an adult not to get yourself checked regularly to make sure that you are not carrying anything and that you cannot pass it on to an unsuspecting sexual partner.