How to Earn Your Website Clicks the Right Way

Did you know that eight out of ten Americans are now online shoppers? These days, it’s not enough just to have a functioning website for your business. You need to make sure that you’re driving traffic to that website.

But, remember that there’s a right way and a wrong way to earn website clicks. In this article, we’ll be going over ways to naturally increase your website traffic without paying for any sketchy services.

That way, you can start exposing new leads to your brand today. Let’s get started!

1. Create Meaningful Content

You want to avoid clickbait articles when trying to improve website traffic. These are articles that promise gossip or value in the title but contain little substance in the article itself.

Instead, you should create content that solves a problem for your target audience. This all begins with some keyword research. Look for keywords that have both a high volume and are relevant to your specific business.

For example, let’s say you own a plumbing business. You might notice a search keyword like “fix toilet running” trending. So, you know your audience is having trouble with a running toilet.

That means you should create an article titled, “How to Fix a Running Toilet”. Make sure you include the keyword in the header, body, metadata, and URL.

That way, when people search for the term they’ll be directed to your website. And, if they can’t fix the toilet themselves they’ll likely reach out to the person that just helped them (you).

2. Guest Posting

Traffic isn’t the only factor that determines where your website is ranked. The algorithm also takes into account the number of backlinks. This occurs when another website sites your article and provides a link back to your page.

It helps distinguish authoritative sources from amateur ones. If you’re having trouble increasing the number of backlinks on your article one thing you can do is guest posting.

With this practice, you team up with another company that covers similar topics as you. Then, they publish an article that contains a backlink to one of your articles.

You can find them either on guest posting websites or by reaching out to businesses that are similar to yours. Once you have a few guest post links published you can measure their effectiveness by using this free backlink tool.

3. Research Your Keywords

Are you having trouble picking keywords that are gaining traction? One problem might be that you’re choosing too many generic keywords. That means there’s a lot of other competition out there also writing content about them.

Instead, try picking long-tail keywords. These are keywords that contain three or more words. These types of keywords have less volume than shorter ones.

But, they put you in touch with a segment of the population that has specific questions about the content you make. As such, it’s a great way to slowly improve your click-through rate.

4. Link Internally

It’s important to link internally to other blog articles or pages on your website when you create blogs. For one thing, it increases the traffic to articles that might be harder to find.

However, it also creates a natural funnel to complete a sale. Not everyone who reads your article will want to purchase your products or services. That being said you should make it as easy as possible for those that are interested to learn.

So, at the end of your article link internally to your contact page, or your product page. That way, the visitor doesn’t have to search your website to find things. Instead, it’s all laid out in front of them.

5. Write Long-Form Articles

A short-form article might be easier to write but it comes at a cost — lower search rankings. That’s because most of the articles that rank on the first page of Google are long-form articles.

The longer your article is, the more helpful advice you can offer the reader. So, how long should your article be?

Ideally between 1,500 and 2,500 words. However, remember that you shouldn’t try to extend your articles using fluff as a way of earning website clicks. Only include relevant and helpful information.

6. Make Evergreen Content

What separates evergreens from other trees? They stay green all year round! You can apply this same logic to the article that you write. Let’s see you make an article titled “How to Find the Best Gifts for Christmas”.

You might get some traffic around Christmas, but after that, no one will be looking for it. These articles are like regular trees. Instead, try to make evergreen posts.

These are posts that are not only relevant year-round, but also encourage repeat visits. An example might be an article titled, “How to the Perfect Gift for a Loved One”.

It doesn’t matter if it’s for a holiday or their birthday, this article can gain website clicks year-round.

7. Targeted Social Media Ads

Search engines aren’t the only place to reach your target audience. You can also market to them on their favorite social media platform. Unfortunately, you’re limited to the number of followers you have.

However, not if you use target social media ads on your website. This will cost a little money, but it’s a very cost-effective way to increase traffic to your website. Just make sure whatever post or ad you use is relevant to their interests.

Enjoy Learning How to Increase Website Clicks? Keep Reading

We hope this article helped you learn how to earn website clicks the right way. As you can see, what’s required for this approach is careful research and hard work.

But, as long as you follow the advice in this guide you’re off to a great start. 

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