Energy Rebates Available To Customers in Australia
The average annual electricity bills across Australia have increased by up to $100 since the past year. If your electricity bills are high, check for rebates and concessions you may be eligible to lower the bill. You may receive rebates from the government or your private electricity provider.
If you are looking for ways to lower your electricity bills, you must learn about the rebates, concessions and other benefits offered by cheap energy providers in Australia. However, you may have to satisfy specific eligibility criteria to be eligible for rebates.
Also, note that the rebate types, nature, and amount may vary based on your location and energy supplier.
Victoria Annual Electricity Concession
You can save up to 17.5 % of your total electricity usage rates with this concession. However, to be eligible for this concession, you will have to be a pension concession cardholder, health care cardholder, or a veterans affair gold cardholder. The concession is available after retailer discounts and solar credits (where applicable).
Victoria Controlled Load Electricity Concession
This concession is only available to households that use slab heating systems and separate meters for hot water. This concession is available throughout the year. However, you may note that it only applies to the water heating system.
Households with a dual-element electricity meter or dual-element smart meter and individuals who have a pensioner concession card, health care card, or veterans affair card can apply for this concession.
NSW Seniors Energy Rebate
The NSW seniors energy rebate is available for retirees in NSW. Eligible individuals can receive up to $200 off their overall electricity bill. So this rebate can bring down the senior’s electricity bill considerably. However, to be eligible for this rebate, you will have to be a “primary account holder” with the energy company.
NSW Family Energy Rebate
The family energy rebate is available for families with dependent children. These families receive up to $180 off on their electricity bills. However, the account holder should be an NSW resident and have received Family Tax Benefits in the previous year.
SA Energy Bill Concession
The SA energy bill concession is available to eligible customers who hold a concession card in SA. You can save up to $233 with this particular concession. Study the eligibility conditions of this concession before applying for it. To earn this concession, you must have an energy account in your name.
Solar Panel Rebate
The solar panel rebate is available to customers under the Federal government’s renewable Energy Target, the SRES. This initiative aims to encourage more customers to shift to solar energy. However, you will have to install a solar power system to be eligible for this rebate.
Other Government Rebates
You may be able to find other rebates for low-income households, pensioners, and veterans. The rebates may be available on a retail or supply basis.
Rebates From Private Energy Companies
Private energy companies may offer additional rebates and discounts, such as loyalty discounts, new membership discounts, etc.
When you use a reliable website to compare electricity prices offered by various energy providers in the country, you will be able to understand where you stand. If you find your plan unacceptable, you can either switch to one of the cheap energy providers in Australia or negotiate a better deal with lower prices with your current provider.