5 Common Challenges That Locked In Syndrome Survivors Face
Many people incorrectly guess that someone with a concussion is acting crazy. They often connect the condition to something like a mood swing.
In reality, concussions can be much more serious. For example, someone who has concussions could experience locked-in syndrome.
To learn about common challenges that locked-in syndrome survivors fight, keep reading.
1. Physical Complications
Locked-in syndrome is one of the rare neurological medical disorders that can cause severe physical complications. Survivors of this condition often have difficulty controlling their bodily movements and are unable to properly move their limbs.
Additionally, if the individual’s respiratory muscles are affected, they may be unable to control their breathing or swallow. Other physical complications of Locked-in Syndrome include impaired vision, hearing, and speech-based communication, as well as facial paralysis.
2. Emotional Complication
Survivors of Locked-In Syndrome face many common challenges in coping emotionally with the condition. Loss of independence is one challenge resulting from the paralysis caused by the condition.
Additionally, survivors often struggle to come to terms with changes in their lifestyle that are necessary to manage the condition. Moreover, survivors can often feel shut off from others, isolated and disconnected from friends and family, and can often feel abandoned due to their limited ability to participate in the world around them.
3. Cognitive Barriers
Locked-in Syndrome (LIS) is a neurological disorder that affects a person’s ability to control movement or communicate. One of the most difficult and common challenges facing LIS survivors is overcoming cognitive barriers.
This is when a person has difficulty making decisions, concentrating, remembering, and communicating. Some of these cognitive barriers may be due to physical difficulties as a result of the syndrome itself.
4. Communication Issues
Communication is one of the most significant challenges faced by individuals living with Locked-In Syndrome. People living with Locked-In Syndrome often struggle to communicate their wants and needs to those around them, which can lead to frustration and disappointment.
Eye-tracking and other assistive technologies can widely contribute to individuals’ success with communication. By enabling users to augment communication, Locked In Syndrome survivors can interact with their environment.
5. Culturally Clueless Stigmatization
Culturally Clueless Stigmatization presents unique challenges for locked-in syndrome survivors. One of the most significant challenges is the fact that people often make judgments about those who are different or differently abled based on limited information.
The lack of understanding of what locked-in syndrome is, combined with limited knowledge of the abilities, needs, and value of locked-in syndrome survivors, can lead to misconceptions and mistreatment.
In the absence of accurate information, misunderstanding and stigma are more common. This reality can be especially daunting to people living with locked-in syndrome, who may be especially vulnerable to criticism and mistreatment.
Get the best treatment for locked-in syndrome, like a brain stem MRI today.
Find Out About Common Locked-in Syndrome Survivors
Living with Locked-In Syndrome can be challenging, but many survivors are able to persevere and live life to the fullest. Despite difficulty with mobility, sensory, communication, and physical functioning, these brave individuals strive to reclaim life.
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